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Six UPF-BSM Masters classify among the best in Spain in the El Mundo ranking

22 Junio - 2023
Seis másteres de la UPF Barcelona School of Management se destacan en Top 5 de sus categorías en el ranking “250 Masters” del diario El Mundo
Seis másteres de la UPF Barcelona School of Management se destacan en Top 5 de sus categorías en el ranking “250 Masters” del diario El Mundo

Six Masters run by UPF Barcelona School of Management have been ranked among the top 5 in their categories in the 250 Masters league table published by the newspaper El Mundo. The University Master in Public and Social Policieshas consolidated its position in second place in the field of Political Science and Administration, while, in the field of Humanities and Arts, the Master in Literary Creation has climbed to second place in its category.

Making it into the ranking for the first time this year, the Master in Marketing and Master in Finance and Banking both ranked in fifth place in their categories: Marketing and Economic/Finance, respectively. Meanwhile, the Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management climbed from fifth to fourth place in the Advertising and Public Relations category, and the Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication took fifth place in the Communication and Media category.

The University Master in Public and Social Policies has consolidated its position in second place in the field of Political Science and Administration

“This reaffirms our hard work and the quality of our programs, which rank among the best in their respective fields at a national level”, emphasized José Manuel Martínez-Sierra, the Director General of the UPF-BSM, who expressed his gratitude to the students of these Masters for “placing their trust in our educational institution". Moreover, he thanked the lecturers for their “pedagogical excellence”. “This accolade corroborates the quality of our programs at the UPF-BSM and confirms our commitment to providing top-class higher education”.

A Commitment to Excellence

The University Master in Public and Social Policies, run in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University in the United States, has held on to second place in the ranking. Under the supervision of Martínez-Sierra and Rodrigo Cetina, the ranking highlighted that the program "benefits from the support of various public institutions, including the Catalan Government and the Barcelona Provincial Government".

Making it into the ranking for the first time this year, the Master in Marketing and Master in Finance and Banking

According to the El Mundo ranking, the Master in Literary Creation “has one of the best teaching teams in the field of creative writing”. Therefore, the program directed by Jorge Carrión and José María Micó, climbed from third to second place this year, with the ranking particularly emphasizing its efforts to “maintain a fluid dialogue with Barcelona’s cultural agents: bookshops, publishers, museums, etc.”.

The Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management, directed by Xavier Ruiz Collantes and Jordi Torrents, has climbed to fourth position after first entering the classification last year. The ranking highlighted the reputation of the lecturers, who are acclaimed professionals in the field of marketing, creativity and brand identity.

For the first time, the Master in Finance and Banking has made it into the ranking due to the quality of its contents, which “prepare students to take the examinations for the International Certificate in Financial Advice”. Under the academic leadership of Xavier Brun Lozano, Oscar Elvira Benito and Xavier Freixas Dargallo, the El Mundo ranking underlined the opportunities that the program gives the students, ranking it in fifth place in its field.

Another new entry in the ranking is the Master in Marketing, directed by Antonio Ladrón de Guevara Martínez and Carolina Luis Bassa. The ranking highlighted that the program has “a significant practical component and partnership agreements in place with leading companies in the sector”, ranking it in fourth place as a result.

Lastly, the ranking has recognized the quality of our Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication, stating that “in permanent contact with the reality of the business world, its contents are adapted to the needs, demands and evolution of businesses”. Directed by Joan Francesc Cánovas and Carles Singla, the program has been ranked in the classification since 2018.

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