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St George's Day 2019: the list of BSM books you need to know about

10 Abril - 2019

Below we provide a broad and varied selection of some of the books you can find in bookshops this St George's Day, which we want to recommend due to their connection with UPF Barcelona School of Management because their authors are academic directors, lecturers or ex-alumni.

Inteligencia Artificial. Carles Ramió
Carles Ramió, director of the Master in Public Administration and Government

Shakespeare & Cervantes. Jorge Carrión
Jorge Carrión, co-director of the Master in Literary Creation

Comedia, Dante Alighieri. Translated by José María Micó
Jose María Micó, co-director of the Master in Literary Creation

Beyond Defeat and Austerity. Mònica Clua
Mònica Clua, co-director of the Master in Public and Social Policies

Mediación Comunitaria. Various authors
Javier Wilhelm and María Munné, Directors of the Master in Professional Mediation

Periodistas Científicos. Gema Revuelta and Vladimir de Semir
Gema Revuelta, director of the Master in Scientific, Medical and Enviromental Communication

Liderazgo en la gestión de entidades deportivas. Pere Solanellas
Pere Solanellas, co-director of the Master in Sports Management

Análisis de Decisión Multi-Criterio en el ámbito sanirario. Various authors
Pere Puig-Junoy, director of the Master in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics

Detecting Accounting Fraud Before it's too late d'Oriol Amat
Oriol Amat, Dean of UPF Barcelona School of Management-Pompeu Fabra University and Professor of Financial Economics

Valoració i compravenda d'empreses. Oriol Amat
Oriol Amat, Dean of UPF Barcelona School of Management-Pompeu Fabra University and Professor of Financial Economics

Candide ou l'Optimisme. Voltaire, published by UPF Barcelona School of Management
With the contributions of Jordi Balló, Xavier Pérez, Cristina Pujades and Javier Aparicio Maydeu

Bartleby, the scrivener. Herman Melville, published by UPF Barcelona School of Management
With the contributions ofJosé García Montalvo, Jordi Ibáñez and Javier Aparicio Maydeu

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