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Three masters of the UPF-BSM, among the best in the QS Business Masters Ranking 2024

25 Octubre - 2023
  • The MSc in Management makes it into the ranking for the first time, while the MSc in Marketing and MSc in Finance and Banking, the other two programs ranked in 2023, hold or improve their position in the previous edition.
  • According to the QS, the key outstanding features of the three UPF-BSM Masters are their leadership in research, diversity in the classroom, and the students’ return on investment.

Barcelona, October 25, 2023. Three Masters run by the UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) have been classified among the top in their respective fields in Spain in the QS Business Masters Ranking 2024, with the School improving its results compared to last year’s edition.

Firstly, QS has ranked our MSc in Management among the best in the Management segment. Directed by Javier Gómez Biscarri and Anna Torres, the program has made it into the ranking for the first time in its history.

Meanwhile, the MSc in Marketing, directed by Antonio Ladrón de Guevara, has improved its position in the Market segment of the classification compared to last year’s edition.

Moreover, QS has once again ranked the MSc in Finance and Banking among the best in its field. Directed by Albert Banal Estañol, the Master has maintained last year’s position in the Finance segment of the ranking.

The top spot in the ranking in these three categories in Spain goes to IE Business School and ESADE Business School.

In its analysis of the business schools’ attributes and variables, the international ranking rates the UPF-BSM Masters particularly highly in the Diversity category, thanks to the gender parity of the faculty and the international profile of the students; in the Academic Leadership category, based on the School’s research activity and its reputation among key leaders and the academic institutions participating in the ranking; and in the category of the Return on Investment for the students who take the program, which enhances the visibility of the School’s alumni community and the Careers Department service.

The Director General of the UPF-BSM, José Manuel Martinez-Sierra, highlighted that “we are closing this year’s series of rankings with a new level of achievement that reaffirms the success of the internationalization strategy that we began implementing a few years ago. We are particularly proud to see how one of the most important global rankings continues to rate key programs in our portfolio highly, helping us keep progressing in our continuous improvement process that enhances the School’s reputation”.

Internationalization strategy

Our success in the QS ranking follows the School’s other accolades, such as classifying in the QS Executive MBA ranking in July, and our first time making it into Executive Education Custom 2023 ranking of the Financial Times in May, among other rankings. This continuous improvement process forms part of the School’s internationalization and transformation strategy, which started in 2021 with UPF-BSM receiving AMBA accreditation, followed by EQUIS in 2022, making us the first business school linked to a public university to obtain this accreditation. In the long term, our main objective is to obtain the “Triple Crown” accreditation, thereby affirming our place among the most reputable business schools in the world.

Methodology of the QS Business Masters Ranking

The 2024 edition has taken into account a total of 206 schools in the ranking, 771 Masters, 61,005 employer nominations and 48,166 academic nominations. In the methodology used to calculate the overall score, a weight of 35% is applied to the employability category, 20% to intellectual leadership, another 20% to value for money, 15% to the graduates’ salary, and 10% to diversity. The aim of this methodology is to give recognition to programs that have solid links with the industry, yield good professional returns, and offer the students great value.

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