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What we have learned from COVID-19

8 Marzo - 2021

The recent months of the pandemic have caused crises and also opportunities. Many businesses and organisations have taken the opportunity to reflect and grow or change, while others are observing how the world is transforming around them.

Analysis of these different positions will allow us to take a step forward in our development as companies and society. So UPF Barcelona School of Management, in collaboration with Institut the Next and Hunivers People Hub, after hearing the views of several dozen managers from major companies, has summarised the most inspiring aspects in video clips.

This series called What have we learned from the Covid-19 crisis? will include learnings, new objectives to work on, strategies to implement; and also suggestions for publications, talks and reflections that can inspire the business world at such an exceptionally important time as this.

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We've posted the clips in this section as they were published. We encourage you to share them with your social and business communities.

  1. Science is the best contingency plan
  2. No people, no answers
  3. Conscious Optimism to have useful impact
  4. Industrial flexibility versus systemic intertia
  5. Self-Knowledge to pull forward
  6. We need more public-private collaboration
  7. The isolation economy stimulates e-commerce
  8. Without the new look imposed by COVID, our Companies are doomed to die
  9. The economy is cyclical: crises begin and end
  10. Active adaptation in response to a transformed demand
  11. The permanence of change
  12. Betting on growth as an alternative to cuts
  13. Catalytic questions to accelerate our transformation
  14. Without the femenine gaze the future will only be imperfect
  15. Ensure the generation of economic value through more income
  16. We are more vulnerable: HUMILITY is more necessary than ever
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