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Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability

Máster Universitario en Supply Chain Management, Tecnología y Sostenibilidad

Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability

UPF-BSMMastersMaster in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability

This master for international students trains you to direct and optimize all the processes of the supply chain from five main perspectives: technique, strategy, leadership, technology and sustainability. 

OperationsSupply chainLogistics
Next edition
Classes start: September 2025
Duration10 months
ECTS credits60
Price15.000 €

The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability helps you develop a technical, integrated and up-to-date vision of all supply chain processes: planning, purchasing, supply, transport, storage and customer service.

In order to respond to the market demands that the consolidation of e-commerce and internationalization have generated, the program teaches you not only the key processes of the supply chain and logistics, but also the latest in technologies and operations, such as robotization, IoT, blockchain and artificial intelligence. In this way, you can achieve cost efficiency in the supply chain and logistics, and at the same time manage to cover the needs of customers, workers, suppliers, society and the environment.

The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability has a specific module on management. It allows you to acquire Project Management skills and techniques to lead teams and make them involved, motivated and efficient. In addition, you learn to use tools to establish control objectives, build agile organizations and develop projects for process improvement.

You can specialize in one of these four major sectors of activity: energy and chemical products sector; mass consumption and distribution sector; industrial and automotive sector; and health and pharmacy sector. All this while being guided by top-level professionals in supply chain management, new technologies and sustainability.

Collaborators:Port de Barcelona empresa colaboradora UPF-BSM
Escola Europea logo

Why choose this program


Gain access to one of the best paid jobs

With the internationalization and consolidation of e-commerce, the highest paid positions of 2022 are related to supply chain management, operations and logistics, new technologies and innovation (Salary Trends Report 2022, Randstad Research). Acquire one of the most in-demand profiles as a specialist in supply chain management.


Specialize in order to overcome current challenges

Overcome the challenges of supply chains and logistics with this program. Learn about robotization and process automation, data extraction and interpretation, and models of supply chains that are respectful of the environment and the circular economy. In addition, you can take specific subjects in four large sectors and acquire a more specialized profile.


Learn from the best with expert teachers

Learn from a teaching team made up of specialists in Supply Chain, logistics, economics, technology and sustainability. Senior managers from companies such as BASF, Nestlé, Loewe, Danone or Element Logistics share their experience in supply chain management, leadership and team management.


Barcelona, logistics hub

Barcelona and its surroundings form one of the most important logistics centres in southern Europe, with great demand for specialists in the field of logistics, operations and supply chain management. Important multinationals such as Amazon, Decathlon, Desigual, Carrefour, Inditex, Mango, Seat, DHL and Lidl have established their large logistics and distribution centres here. Barcelona is also the venue for the most important International Logistics Exhibition (SIL) in southern Europe.


International recognition

Train at the No.1 Business School linked to a public university in Spain. The EQUIS international distinction endorses the quality of the institution.

Who is it for?

The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability is aimed at professionals in the field of business management, engineering and other profiles who want to lead supply chain management strategies in an innovative, technological and sustainable way.


UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally, and places itself among the top business schools in the world.

The Master in Supply Chain Management is an official master's degree and has academic recognition from the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain. The Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) has also institutionally accredited UPF-BSM. This accreditation certifies all the official university master's degrees we offer and acknowledges the quality of our educational model in accordance with the criteria of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

The program has obtained the prestigious ELA certification, awarded by the European Logistics Association. This certification recognizes excellence in education and international quality standards in supply chain management.

EQUIS-AccreditedAQU-MUSUP-ENELA - European logistics association, logo


The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability is organized into five large modules that cover the new challenges in the management of supply chains, operations and global logistics.

You must take all the compulsory subjects and choose three optional subjects, among those available in each of the modules. In addition, in Module 4 (Supply chain sectors), you have to choose one of the sectors in which to specialize.

In addition, with the aim of offering more practical learning, you can visit leading companies in the field of supply chain, logistics centres and take a trip on a freight ship, from Barcelona to Italy, to learn first-hand about the key points of intermodal transport.

Supply Chain Strategy and Tactics

Learn strategic key points for designing and coordinating a supply chain that meets the needs of all stakeholders: customers, workers, suppliers, society and investors. In this subject you also learn about the business paradigms necessary for process management to be integrated into the business as a differentiating element that adds value.

Planning as a mechanism of competitive advantage that allows collaborative and resilient supply chains to be built. Learn about the best techniques for global planning of the value chain, joint sales and operations plans (S&OP) and integrated business planning (IBP).

Technical, integrated and updated review of the main logistics processes that make up the supply chain: transport, storage and last mile. Know the basic characteristics of each process and the distribution models that allow them to be managed effectively and efficiently.

Tools for the optimization of the supply chain, from demand forecasting to inventory management, going through the planning of material requirements.

Know the process of identifying, evaluating and mitigating the risks of an organization’s supply chain. We show you risk management tools and strategies, both internal and external, to operate more efficiently, reduce costs and improve customer service.

Operations management understood as the part of the business that guarantees the highest possible level of efficiency within an organization. We address the best methodologies for converting materials and labour into goods and services, thinking of the entire supply chain.

Supply Chain Technology and Sustainability

Practical application of technological advances that can add real value to the supply chain, be it cost reduction, quality improvement, service optimization or dignifying work.  This introductory course focuses on two basic technological solutions: Information Systems (IS) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Learn about data analytics for decision-making:

  1. Demand forecasting to be able to plan supply well
  2. Optimization of the storage process (build an efficient and effective warehouse)
  3. Route optimization of transport

We introduce you to examples of technological advances that are affecting business sectors. Disruption can kill companies and industries, but they also spawn new businesses and new sectors in the economy. Therefore, those who lead projects must be aware of the danger, but also of the possibilities that such technological disruptions entail. We review the main disruptions with real cases, explained by professionals in the sector, and the procedures they have for different organizations.

General Management

Management approach to guide an organization in terms of design, management and improvement of all its processes, in order to optimize the delivery of value to its customers.

Acquire the basic knowledge of Project Management in order to be able to manage projects in an environment of change and high demand. The fundamental principles of this discipline are offered, as well as the most frequently used techniques and tools. In addition, we will see how the Agile methodology is integrated into project management.

Lead teams with a high level of involvement, motivation that can deal with demanding situations. Acquire skills and manage tools to establish control objectives, build agile organizations and implement a culture of change that drives the necessary transformations.

Purchasing and supply management as a fundamental element for companies to be more competitive. We address issues that fully affect the supply chain, such as the selection of suppliers, their monitoring, cost and quality control, joint planning or the keys to establishing lasting business relationships.

In this subject we learn the bases for integrating the processes of the supply chain with accounting operations. We will see how the intelligent management of a fully integrated chain finds an ally in the systems that allow the optimization of management of Supply Chain Finance. (SCF).

We work on the vision and techniques of this innovation and entrepreneurship system with the aim of learning to design new products, services and even new businesses, which also adapt to the new needs of consumers. A real project is developed in teams, in which all the innovation tools included in the program are applied.

Supply Chain by Sectors

Specialization course to learn the particularities of management in the supply chains of the energy and chemical products sector. The most relevant determinants of the sector are addressed, which may be strategic, technical, regulatory and even ethical.

Specialization course to learn the particularities of management in the supply chains of the industrial and automotive sector. The most relevant determinants of the sector are addressed, which may be strategic, technical, regulatory and even ethical.

Specialization course to learn the particularities of management in the supply chains of distribution and mass consumption. We will see the most relevant determining factors in the sector, which may be strategic, technical, regulatory and even ethical.

Specialization course to learn the particularities of management in the supply chains of pharmaceutical and health products sector. We address the most relevant determining factors in the sector, which may be strategic, technical, regulatory and even ethical.

Large global social, economic, political and technological changes that, despite happening slowly, drive trends in shorter periods and specific parts of the world.

Prácticas e internacionalización

You can also undertake curricular internships in companies, which are validated as two elective subjects (6 ECTS credits).

Master’s Final Project

You work on the final master's project (TFM) throughout the entire master's degree. You must demonstrate and put into practice the knowledge you have acquired throughout each of the modules of the master's degree.

Note on the Curriculum

Complementary activities

The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • Trip on a freight ship: we take a ship from Barcelona to Italy to learn first-hand, and from professionals in the sector, the strategic and operational key points to intermodal freight transport.
  • Visits to reference companies: throughout the master's degree we visit different companies that are benchmarks in the field of supply chain management and logistics and which, due to their innovative, technological and sustainable nature, are an example to follow in this field.
  • Professional development program: sessions and workshops to improve your professional profile, learn how to address contracting companies and develop skills to grow in the world of work.
  • International mobility program: This program allows you to extend your studies extracurricularly, during the academic year following the completion of your Master's degree, in a first class institution.
  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.

Qualification obtained

Once the program has been completed, you will be awarded the Màster Universitari en Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament, Tecnologia i Sostenibilitat / Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability - Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro, Tecnología y Sostenibilidad / Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability, issued by Pompeu Fabra University.

Official Masters Diplomas: You must pay the amount stipulated in the DOGC (Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya) for the rights to issue the diploma. This rate varies annually and the one in force at the time of the application for the title will be applied.


The teaching staff of the Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability are one of the most noteworthy points of the program.

You have the opportunity to share a classroom with renowned professionals in the areas of Supply Chain Management, logistics, team management, innovation, new technologies, sustainability and the circular economy.

In addition, during the course, senior managers who manage operations and supply chains in leading companies give talks about their professional experience.

Academic directors


Profesorado colaborador

Rafa Richart
Sourcing Manager at "Danone"

Roger Hostalot
CEO founder of "El Asador en tu Casa"

Gabriel Duran
Senior Consultant at "ASINFARMA"

Pere Calviño
Purchasing Manager at "Natur Import"

Enric Bergonyó
Coach and consultant at "SPIKA"

Oriol Laporte
Senior Supply Chain Specialist

Oriol Pastor
Process and logistics consultant

Professionals and specialists who give talks and workshops:

  • Jordi Espín. Strategic Relations Manager at European Shippers' Council
  • Carles Navarro. Managing director at BASF Española
  • Núria Piñol. Customer Service Manager at Nestlé
  • Victor Rovira. Director of Global Logistics at Loewe
  • Albert Vidal. Managing director at Element Logic Spain



The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability combines different teaching methodologies to offer a unique learning experience.

The methodologies include:

  • Traditional methodologies, with master class sessions based on the explanations of professionals specialized in the subject.
  • Active methodologies, with practical cases, development of role-playing games, problem solving, and presentations of topics by the students, among others.
  • Autonomous methodologies by students, with text readings and individual or group work.

Combining theory and practice

The subjects combine the theoretical bases with a practical and applied approach, using real cases. This methodology allows you to consolidate the key concepts in supply chain management, operations, logistics, new technologies, circular economy, sustainability and team management.


Learn through hands-on simulations

Boost your learning through practical simulations, group dynamics, presentations, discussions and interactive activities.


Train using real cases

Discover how the leading logistics and supply chain companies work with visits to their logistics centres. And as if that were not enough, cross the Mediterranean from Barcelona to Italy on a freight ship to live the experience and understand the keys to intermodal transport.


Workshops with professionals from the sector

On each course, we invite professionals from different sectors and business models to share their experience and knowledge in supply chain management and logistics. Learn about the real challenges they have had to face and open the doors to your professional future.


Tutorials and monitoring

You have the monitoring of the academic management team, which offers you support whenever you need it and ensures your progress.


You must pass all the subjects, the evaluation of which depends on the corresponding teacher, in order to obtain the qualification. This may consist of continuous evaluation, carrying out work, the development of exercises, final exams, etc. You must also pass the final master's project (TFM), which you have to present and defend in front of a panel.
Regular class attendance and passing the practical exercises and compulsory assignments are part of the evaluation system. The teachers who commission them decide on their conditions of delivery and preparation.
All evaluation activities are related to each other so that they follow a logical scheme.


Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills and achieve learning which is transferable to work.

You will have:

  • Master's Final Project or  Postgraduate Final Project
  • A personal mentor to monitor your final project
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops

Professional Future

The Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability allows you to specialize in supply chain management and logistics with an innovative, technological and sustainable vision. Get to know each step, from demand planning to the last mile, taking in supply, transport and storage.

Student profile

In the master's degree, you share a class with profiles that come from business management as well as from more technical fields. Thanks to the diversity and participation of the group, the subjects and the class dynamics are a real source of learning. The value of this master's degree is not only in the teaching team, but also in the exchange of experiences and knowledge between students, which is enhanced throughout the course.

Career opportunities

This master's degree trains you to manage a supply chain and logistics from an innovative, technological and sustainable perspective. Not only could you work as director of a supply chain, but also in any of the coordinating links that make it up.

The program prepares you to make the leap to one of the most in-demand professions, since it complements the key concepts in the field of supply chain management and logistics with the knowledge that the market currently values most: leadership, innovation, sustainability and technology.  

In addition, the master's degree gives you the option of undertaking curricular internships in companies that promote your professional future.

Once the master's degree is finished, you can access a wide variety of positions such as:

  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Director of Operations
  • Director of Transport
  • Director of Warehousing
  • Director of Planning
  • Director of Last Mile
  • Demand Planner
  • Sales Manager
  • Sustainability Director
  • Digital Supply Chain Transformer