• About UPF-BSM
  • Programs
  • Faculty and research
  • News & Events



UPF-BSM integrates in its mission the clear desire to make a positive impact on society by promoting a vision of the management which prioritizes innovation, humanism applied to technology, cultural diversity, ethical responsibility, and planetary well-being.

As such, the mission of the School is to ensure that all members of its community show positive progress and assume leadership roles in their respective fields of specialization, always taking into account innovation and social responsibility.

This mission has led the UPF-BSM to be one of the oldest and most proactive signatories of the PRME (UN Global Compact Principles for Responsible Management Education) and is embodied in a series of strategic lines of action that convert the School, in practice, into a radically different educational institution.

  • The concepts of ethics, responsibility, and sustainability are the central focus of our educational offer. We offer programs centred on these aspects of management and have transversally integrated these concepts into most of the School curricula, deepening our clear intention to develop a new generation of committed and ethical leaders.
  • The main lines of research and knowledge transfer are related to organizational ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. As such, with the support of several companies, leaders in their respective fields, the UPF-BSM promotes chairs and centres of study and dissemination on topics such as sustainability, the circular economy, gender aspects in the business environment, and sustainable finance.
  • Our internal management reinforces the role of UPF-BSM as a leading institution in sustainability and social responsibility. All these aspects have been incorporated both in the governance and in the day-to-day management of the School and its infrastructures, and in its reporting methods.


Programs and research

Social commitment

Fi de la pobresa
Salut i benestar
Igualtat de gènere
Treball decent i creixement econòmic
Reducció de les desigualtats
Comunitats sostenibles
Pau, justícia i institucions sòlides
Aliances per aconseguir objectius

Environmental commitment

UPF-BSM promotes observatories and chairs in various topic areas, and specifically with an environmental commitment:

aigua neta i sanejament
energia assequible no contaminant
comunitats sostenibles
producció i consum responsables
acció pel clima

Health and well-being

UPF-BSM promotes observatories and chairs in various topic areas, specifically with a commitment to health and well-being:

  • GSK Chair in Health Economy
  • Novo Nordisk Chair in Pharmacoeconomics and Health
  • Almirall Chair for the Management of Innovations in Pharmaceutical Policies in the National Health System

UPF-BSM offers five reference programs in the field of health: 

UPF-BSM collaborates with institutions such as the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation in order to involve students in solving the challenges these institutions face.

Salut i benestar

Internal school management

Social commitment

  • We have a Code of Ethics and Corporate Compliance regulations
  • We have protocols for non-discrimination and equal opportunities
  • Our facilities are fully accessible 
  • We encourage social commitment in the workforce through training and various initiatives
  • We have work–life balance programs and flexible hours for the staff
Fi de la pobresa
Salut i benestar
Igualtat de gènere
Treball decent i creixement econòmic
Reducció de les desigualtats
Comunitats sostenibles
Pau, justícia i institucions sòlides
Aliances per a aconseguir els objectius

Environmental commitment

  • We are committed to responsible consumption and prioritize local suppliers
  • We promote energy saving 
  • We encourage the separation of waste 
  • We promote reduction and reuse of materials, and the use of recyclable and biodegradable consumables
  • We promote sustainable transport and mobility
  • We reduce water consumption every year
Aigua neta i sanejament
Energia assequible no contaminant
Comunitats sostenibles
Producció i consum responsables
Acció pel clima