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28 Diciembre - 2021

Saint Rita, Saint Rita, let our economy not belittle

The Spanish economic pillars have been adapting to the new world economic reality at the same speed as the tectonic plates: a few centimeters a year, or what is the same, one kilometer every 250 years. This speed is what allows us to understand why it is difficult for our ailing economy to grow.

28 Diciembre - 2021

The main lines of tax reform

The three fundamental pillars of the next tax reform are the taxation of corporate tax, the taxation of the digital economy and emerging activities, and the taxation of wealth.

22 Diciembre - 2021

Topics that defined 2021: UPF-BSM faculty discusses their evolution towards 2022

Quins són els temes que han marcat l'agenda mediàtica del 2021? Com evolucionaran de cara a l'any 2022? El professorat de la UPF Barcelona School of Management que ha abordat algunes d'aquestes qüestions més destacades n'analitza la continuïtat de cara al nou any.

21 Diciembre - 2021

Now I have won the lottery: what should I do with the money?

Winning the lottery is always a reason to rejoice, but you have to know how to manage the money you win so that it does not lose value. What are the options? Andrei Boar, professor of Finance, Accounting and Control, suggests some alternatives according to investor profiles. 

21 Diciembre - 2021

From molecule to pharmacy: how much does a drug cost?

How much does a drug cost? How long does it take to produce? And how long does it take to market? The process of researching, developing and bringing a drug to the patient is long, complex and costly. Maica Fernández, Teacher Assistant of the Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics programs at UPF-BSM illustrates the process and answers questions about the case of covid-19 vaccines. 

17 Diciembre - 2021

Information related to computer security of the School

Hello everyone, we are writing to you with a message that we consider IMPORTANT and which you can consult here.

15 Diciembre - 2021

The UPF-BSM Sustainability Observatory wins the Barcelona Sustainable Tourism Award

The Sustainability Observatory, led by Oriol Montanyà, receives the Barcelona Sustainable Tourism Award in the economic field for having built an educational bridge between scientific knowledge and social needs.

14 Diciembre - 2021

Spotlight on companies for carbon footprinting

With the new Spanish Climate Change Law, companies will have to calculate their carbon footprint, as well as draw up and publishing greenhouse gas reduction plans. What impact will this have on the future of this businesses? Fàtima Vidal, faculty in the Business & Management Strategy Department, analyzes the consequences. 

14 Diciembre - 2021

Health of teleworking women particularly affected by digital overconnection

Teleworking, as applied in the wake of the pandemic, generates a digital overconnection that becomes detrimental to health, especially for women. This is the main conclusion reached by the latest study carried out by the UPF-BSM Business Leadership Observatory. 

14 Diciembre - 2021

"White Nights" by Dostoyevsky, fifth volume of the UPF literary collection

UPF and UPF-BSM commemorate the bicentennial of the birth of Fyodor Dostoyevsky with the publication of White Nights, co-published with Angle Editorial. 

14 Diciembre - 2021

"Artists can raise awareness toward a more sustainable and equitable future"

Catalina Lobo-Guerrero, Premio al Libro Periodístico Los Restos de la Revolución winner alumni interview.

14 Diciembre - 2021

All paths lead to consumption revitalization

Christmas campaign this year forecasts an increase in household spending of between 14 and 22 percent compared to 2019. Now, how will this consumption revitalization have an impact on small businesses? The director of the Chair Future Scenarios on Retail, Tourism and Services, Josep-Francesc Valls, analyzes the behavior of consumers and retailers.

14 Diciembre - 2021

Tomorrow's mental health depends on emotional education and technology

3,941 people took their lives in Spain in 2020, the highest number ever recorded in history. What tools exist to put a stop to this reality? The Director of Technology Academic Area, Ana Freire, advocates for emotional education and responsible use of technology, which can be a great ally in the detection of mental health issues. 

7 Diciembre - 2021

Metaverse, an opportunity for brands and companies

The metaverse is the evolution of social technology and refers to a collection of digital worlds, where the defining quality is presence, that is, the feeling of actually being there with people, which allows creating an immersive and multisensory experience in the applied use of various devices and technological developments on the internet.

30 Noviembre - 2021

Are we PrEPared?

PrEP is an oral treatment, in pill format, that helps prevent HIV infection in at-risk populations. The success of oral PrEP is more than demonstrated in numerous clinical studies over the last decade.

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