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5 Abril - 2019

Blockchain: the technology that will change the world

5 Abril - 2019

Eva Güell: "Publishing in the digital era means understanding that readers must be able to choose the format in which they read our books"

4 Abril - 2019

Students of the Master in Political and Institutional Communication visit several key political institutions

4 Abril - 2019

The Primera Exportación seminar brings 40 Argentinean businesspeople together at BSM

24 Marzo - 2019

LINK, the perfect stage to discover emerging writers

22 Marzo - 2019

BSM ex-alumni and lecturers enjoy outstanding success at the Malaga Festival

22 Marzo - 2019

#FAKEYOU, the report on fake news from the Postgraduate Course in Technopolitics is released

18 Marzo - 2019

BSM presents its new educational offering for the academic year 2019-20 at Fira Futura

14 Marzo - 2019

Goodbye Ringo, the award-winning documentary by ex-alumnus Pere Marzo, is released

13 Marzo - 2019

Educational transformation, the new subject for debate in Quorum

12 Marzo - 2019

A new educational model, the commitment of the BSM for Fira Futura

Since 2015, UPF Barcelona School of Management has been involved in a process of change, implementing a new educational model in response to its aim to transform higher education.

19 Febrero - 2019

Fragile Movement is here: a publisher that makes social fragility visible

Ricardo Baronas and Gemma Amargant have a publisher and a master's degree in common. The publisher is Fragile Movement and the master's degree is the Master in Publishing, which they took together at UPF Barcelona School of Management-Pompeu Fabra University. The business was thought up as their final master's degree project. The publisher was set up last November with the motto 'Read with care' for books with fragile contents. Books written by strong people who convey their fragile message through literature. For example, people who explain what life with a mental illness is like. Duermo mucho and Estigma are the publisher's first two releases. "We saw the need to encourage people to reflect on the stigma many people with a mental disorder experience," said Gemma and Ricardo. So far the first two publications have been warmly welcomed by booksellers, readers, journalists and charities alike.

15 Febrero - 2019

BSM hosts EFMD – Humane Winter School

13 Febrero - 2019

The writer Antonio Muñoz Molina and the poet María Negroni will be regular lecturers on the Master in Literary Creation

The writer and academic Antonio Muñoz Molina has lectured students on the Master in Literary Creation at UPF Barcelona School of Management – Pompeu Fabra University for a second year. He has thus become established as a permanent lecturer in the program. The master's program has also benefited from the contributions of María Negroni, a poet, writer, PhD holder and director of the Master in Creative Writing at UNTREF, Buenos Aires. From now on she will also be a regular lecturer in the UPF Barcelona School of Management master's program. "This collaboration has kicked off a stable exchange between the two most prestigious Ibero-American creative writing programs," according to Jordi Carrión, director of the Master in Literary Creation at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

11 Febrero - 2019

Two films by Aldemar Matias and Neus Ballús, two BSM ex-alumni, will premiere at the Berlinale

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