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1 Enero - 2011

ARGENTINA: First Export Programme

1 Enero - 2011

The EMPRÈN Project

Thanks to the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, through its INICIA project, the 2010-2011 academic course will see the creation of a new IDEC service.

1 Septiembre - 2010

Company and senior executive seminar: From a Human Resource Perspective

1 Septiembre - 2010

Graduation ceremony of the Master's in Management Sciences

1 Septiembre - 2010

ARGENTINA: Inauguration of the Postgraduate in Patient-Focused Medical Communication

1 Septiembre - 2010

Holding of the 8th MBA reunion with the conference 'Strategies in times of social networks'

1 Septiembre - 2010

Pau Verrié steps down as general director of IDEC after 17 years

On 15 July Pau Verrié stepped down as general director of IDEC.

1 Septiembre - 2010

I Global Forum for Responsible Management Education

1 Septiembre - 2010

ARGENTINA: International Business Interest Seminar IDEC - Fundación Gas Natural Argentina

27 September to 1 October will see in Barcelona the International Business Interest Seminar

1 Septiembre - 2010

IDEC collaboration agreements

Over the last few months, IDEC has signed collaboration agreements with various institutions for delivering to and disseminating among its various collectives of different postgraduate courses.

1 Septiembre - 2010

New management structure at IDEC

1 Septiembre - 2010

IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra participated in the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2010

1 Septiembre - 2010

Graduation ceremony for the 11th MBA part time

1 Septiembre - 2010

Reunion of Alumni in Mexico DF with the Rector of UPF

1 Septiembre - 2010

Barcelona School of Management Board of Directors

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