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28 Abril - 2021

"Every time a person plays a sport there is an impact on the environment"

The kick-off of the conference Sport, sustainability and climate emergency organized by the UPF Barcelona School of Management receives Kilian Jornet and Theresa Zabell

28 Abril - 2021

The virtual bookshelf of UPF-BSM is now open

On April 23, the virtual bookshelf was launched with the UPF-BSM literary production of the last five years: from literary creation to translation and publishing in multiple disciplines. We encourage you to consult it and to continue sending us your projects so that we can include them. 

28 Abril - 2021

"Don Quixote is a lunatic at times full of lucid intervals"

Historian Gonzalo Pontón explains the main characteristics of the most important work of Spanish literature, Don Quixote, and interprets the multiple readings of the work: from a simple novel of chivalry to a humorous reading to a social critique.

27 Abril - 2021

UPF Barcelona School of Management receives the BSIS label

The UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) has successfully completed the Business School Impact System (BSIS) process.

27 Abril - 2021

Twitch & Brands: a marriage that feels just right

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past almost seven years, chances are you have heard about Twitch; a social media platform acquired by Amazon in August 2014 that relies on the power of a robust community of engaged users, many of whom happen to be involved in the gaming world.

26 Abril - 2021

The UPF-BSM delves into the binomial sport and sustainability in a conference with Kilian Jornet and Theresa Zabell

The UPF-BSM holds the online conference "Sports, sustainability and climate emergency", with the presence of Kilian Jornet and Theresa Zabell, which will address the commitment of the sports sector with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda. 

22 Abril - 2021

The professionalization of football as an economic growth opportunity

The first session of the 10th Conference of the Master in Sports Management deals with various experiences of professionalization of football

21 Abril - 2021

“Shakespeare was real, but 90% of what his biographies tell is fictional”

¿Who was William Shakespeare? The critic, editor and translator Andreu Jaume offers the webinar "And Shakespeare invented humans", in which he analyzes the life and literary trajectory of the famous author, from his first comedies to his grand finale with The Tempest

19 Abril - 2021

"«Do you want to translate 'War and Peace'?», and I almost fell off my chair"

The translator into Spanish of Tolstoy's War and Peace, Joaquín Fernández Valdés, tells us about the four years he has dedicated to the translation of the epic and brings us closer to the reality of the Russian author in collaboration with ACE Traductores and the Master in Literary and Audiovisual Translation from the UPF-BSM.

15 Abril - 2021

The Master in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics, in the Top 50 in the world

The 2021 edition of the Eduniversal ranking positions it as the fifth best 100% online master's degree and the first ranked in Spain in the categories of Health Economics & Public Health and Health Management

13 Abril - 2021

"It is not about talking about innovation, but about training people to do it"

"How do teams have to change to innovate better?" The Academic Director of the Master in Business Transformation through Innovation at UPF-BSM, Alfons Cornella, has tried to answer this question and others such as why innovate, who, when to do it, what it consists of, how to do it or how to measure it in the webinar Innovative teams for an accelerated market.

5 Abril - 2021

Greenwashing: an unsustainable strategy

Greenwashing includes false ‘green’ communication and advertising strategies used by companies to differentiate themselves from competitors and show climate commitment

25 Marzo - 2021

"Data helps us make decisions, foresee the future, classify, segment and find hidden information"

"Before this work was done by statisticians and now this profile has evolved into engineering, analysts and data scientist"

23 Marzo - 2021

When the university defeated the Franco regime

The UPF Barcelona School of Management hosts the presentation of the book Quan el franquisme va perdre la universitat. El PSUC i el Sindicat Democràtic d'Estudiants de la Universitat de Barcelona

17 Marzo - 2021

Society Between Pandemics: 800 Pages of Addictive Analysis

The UPF Barcelona School of Management hosts the presentation of the book that celebrates the 25 years of the Gaspar Casal Foundation with reflections on the covid-19 by 48 authors

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