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16 Marzo - 2021

"I decided to become an entrepreneur because I wanted to make my own decisions and my own mistakes"

Female entrepreneurship still represents a very small percentage of entrepreneurial ecosystem. During the webinar "Female entrepreneurship", the panellists explain the challenges faced by women in this sector and give some keys to overcome them. 

15 Marzo - 2021

Spanish business schools join forces to advance educational programmes in Next Generation projects

Willing to help public authorities modernise the productive fabric

10 Marzo - 2021

Angela Y. Davis, honorary doctorate by the UPF: "Gender cannot be separated from race and class, we need to address the systemic causes of exploitation!"

After an atypical 8th of March, the Univeristat Pompeu Fabra has awarded an honorary doctorate to Angela Y. Davis, professor emeritus of the University of California Santa Cruz and North American activist.

8 Marzo - 2021

ClubHouse or the new Social Media revolution

The social network that has changed paradigms about algorithms, influencers and content has also given the boost needed to the revolution with which Twitter and Facebook sought to recover the magic lost over time. Alberto Guevara, academic coordinator of the MSC in Marketing, talks about ClubHouse.

8 Marzo - 2021

What we have learned from COVID-19

The recent months of the pandemic have caused crises and also opportunities. Many businesses and organisations have taken the opportunity to reflect and grow or change, while others are observing how the world is transforming around them.

5 Marzo - 2021

The UPF-BSM hosts a discussion on post-covid opportunities between China, Catalonia and Spain

The president of the Union of Chinese Associations in Spain, Lam Chueng Ping, shared with the students his experience of more than 50 years in the business sector in Catalonia and Spain.

3 Marzo - 2021

The Alumni UPF-BSM Awards are now open for entries

The awards aim to recognize and give visibility to personal or professional projects with a social impact of UPF Barcelona School of Management alumni.

1 Marzo - 2021

Gender inequality in the IBEX-35

To find out the reality of gender equality in the top positions of IBEX-35 companies, UPF-BSM researcher Erola Palau studied the proportion of women on boards of directors and management committees: only four of the 35 companies in the Spanish stock market index comply with the CNMV's recommendations on diversity on boards of directors. Some of them do not even reach the recommended half. 


1 Marzo - 2021

8M: win a subscription to watch women in action on Filmin!

The Culture programme raffles 25 two-month subscription to Filmin for students to watch women in action.

26 Febrero - 2021

The UPF-BSM team, to attend the semifinal of the CFA Research Challenge 2021

The group of students of the Master of Science in Finance participates in the competition that this year consists of an analysis of CaixaBank.

22 Febrero - 2021

José M. Martínez-Sierra, new General Director of the UPF Barcelona School of Management

José M. Martínez-Sierra has started this 2021 as the new General Director of the UPF Barcelona School of Management.

15 Enero - 2021

The UPF Barcelona School of Management achieves AMBA-accreditation and is positioned amongst the leading management schools in the world

The UPF Barcelona School of Management has achieved the AMBA-accreditation which recognizes its academic quality and reputation and places it among the best business schools in the world.

1 Enero - 2021


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18 Diciembre - 2020

Recognition to the best Master's/ Postgraduate Theses or projects 2019/2020

15 Diciembre - 2020

A new covid-19 outbreak and the vaccine: surfing waves in 2021

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