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28 Marzo - 2022

It's the economy, as always

The war in the Ukraine accelerated inflation, which was already clearly rising. To mitigate the effects of inflation, there will be no other way than to raise rates, but raising rates implies standing in front of a mirror that will give us a distorted image, directly proportional to the volume of the debt and the inability to pay it.

25 Marzo - 2022

“The era of cheap and abundant energy is ending”

"The era of cheap and abundant energy is coming to an end", this has been the warning of the CSIC scientist and disseminator, Antonio Turiel, at the conference The Energy Crisis in the World Today, organized by Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

22 Marzo - 2022

The management of mediation in companies

En estos últimos meses, y a raíz de la reforma que traerá la ley de medidas de eficiencia procesal del servicio público de Justicia, la mediación y las formas adecuadas de gestión de conflictos vuelve a estar en la agenda política.

22 Marzo - 2022

Decentralized finance reduces the effect of the blockade on Russia

Cryptocurrencies can play the role of safe haven asset in the face of the collapse of money and the blocking of bank accounts due to sanctions on Russia.

22 Marzo - 2022

"Spain has to multiply its rate of building rehabilitation by 25"

José Luís Pellicer has a doctorate in Economic Sciences, a Law Degree, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Metropolitan House Foundation and collaborator of the Chair of Decent and Sustainable Housing at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

22 Marzo - 2022

Is Russia's possible default economic or political?

The deficit, the debt, the downgrade and the default are the four steps to hell for a country. The Russian deficit is 4%, the debt is 19% and they have a Triple B.

15 Marzo - 2022

Europe faces a decisive hour (II)

Russia's invasion of Ukraine proceeds with ruthless logic. There is no doubt that Russia's goal is to annex the entire country.

15 Marzo - 2022

Business, family and mediation

To manage the disagreements, in the transformational change processes that the family company needs in Catalonia, the mediating space is the most appropriate.

15 Marzo - 2022

A pension reform to bring us closer to the leading Europe

The reform of the pension system is necessary to make it sustainable given the demographic situation of the aging population.

14 Marzo - 2022

The Chair in Sustainable Finance announces the award for the best Final Master's Project on sustainable finance

The Triodos Chair in Sustainable Finance at UPF Barcelona School of Management announces the Award for the best Final Master's Project that addresses the topic of Sustainable Finance with the aim of promoting and giving them visibility.

10 Marzo - 2022

UPF Barcelona School of Management and Diputació de Barcelona promote the Chair of Citizenship Mediation

Directed by Javier Wilhelm and Maria Munné, the Chair aims to respond to the needs of the local world in the implementation of policies to promote coexistence

8 Marzo - 2022

80% of IBEX-35 companies fail to comply with gender equality requirements

Women continue to be under-represented in management bodies, even in Spain's benchmark stock market index. Eighty per cent of listed companies do not comply with gender equality requirements and six of the 35 companies do not achieve even 20 per cent female presence on boards of directors. Erola Palau Pinyana, researcher in the Operations, Technology and Science Department, analyses the data and notes the poor performance since March 2021.

8 Marzo - 2022

Gender quotas, the "right thing" to do?

Gender quotas are without a doubt one of the most controversial topics in the equality realm. Truth is, when quotas are applied in organizations where there is no real commitment to equality, it is women who end up paying the price. Nia Plamenova, lecturer in the Business & Management Strategy Dept., sheds light on the debate. 

8 Marzo - 2022

Bye-bye stereotypes: why brands shouldn't communicate to women

Women are involved in more than 80% of purchasing decisions. It is not surprising that they are the target audience of many marketing and communication campaigns, although they are often spoken to from a male perspective. Cristina Aced, expert in Corporate and Digital Communication, analyses the strategies of brands to approach female audiences.

8 Marzo - 2022

There are no women in Tech, so what?

Artificial Intelligence can be an ally in the fight for gender equality, but it needs to be trained. Through machine learning, algorithms learn whatever we want them to, but something that seems completely harmless can result in mass discrimination if the examples with which it has been trained present some kind of bias. Ana Freire, Director of the Operations, Technology and Science Dept., show some examples.

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